1. Saved on Blood
The Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ on Blood, or the Church of the Savior on Blood in St. Petersburg is an Orthodox memorial single-altar church in the name of the Resurrection of Christ; built in memory of the fact that on this place on March 1 (13), 1881, as a result of an assassination attempt, Emperor Alexander II was mortally wounded. The temple was built as a monument to the tsar with funds collected throughout Russia.
Located in the historical center of St. Petersburg on the banks of the Griboyedov Canal near the Mikhailovsky Garden and Konyushennaya Square. The height of the nine—domed temple is 81 m, the capacity is up to 1600 people. It is a museum and a monument of Russian architecture.
The temple was erected by decree of Emperor Alexander III in 1883-1907 by a joint project of architect Alfred Parland and Archimandrite Ignatius (Malyshev). The project is made in the Russian style, somewhat reminiscent of the Moscow Cathedral of the Intercession on the Moat. The construction lasted 24 years.
2. The spire of the Peter and Paul Cathedral
The Cathedral in the Name of the First—born Apostles Peter and Paul, or Peter and Paul Cathedral is an Orthodox cathedral in St. Petersburg in the Peter and Paul Fortress, the tomb of the Russian emperors, a monument of architecture of the Petrovsky Baroque. From 1733 to 2012, the cathedral with a height of 122.5 m was the tallest building in St. Petersburg, and until 1952 it was the tallest in Russia.
3. Mikhailovsky Castle
Mikhailovsky, or Engineering Castle is a former imperial palace in the center of St. Petersburg, at the turn of the XVIII—XIX centuries, built as a castle on the water by order of Emperor Paul I and became the place of his death. This building is the largest architectural monument that completes the history of St. Petersburg architecture of the XVIII century.
4. St. Isaac’s Cathedral
St. Isaac’s Cathedral (the official name is the Cathedral of St. Isaac of Dalmatia) is the largest Orthodox church in St. Petersburg. The architect Auguste Montferrand became the author of the project of the cathedral, which was intended to become the main Orthodox shrine of the empire. The construction was supervised by Nicholas I himself, the chairman of the Commission on the construction of the cathedral was Karl Opperman. During the construction of the building, new construction technologies were used for that time, which influenced the further development of architecture of the XIX and XX centuries. The construction of the building and work on its design lasted from 1818 to 1858. St. Isaac’s Cathedral is considered to be the latest building in the classical style. Divine services in St. Isaac’s Cathedral are held daily.
5. Cathedral Mosque
The Cathedral Mosque of St. Petersburg is a religious building in St. Petersburg. It is an architectural monument, Northern Art Nouveau style. The main mosque of the Russian Empire, the largest mosque in the European part of the Russian Empire.
6. Basilica of St. Catherine of Alexandria
The Basilica of St. Catherine of Alexandria is a Catholic church in St. Petersburg, one of the oldest Catholic churches in Russia. A monument of Baroque architecture. The only Catholic church in Russia, which has been awarded the honorary title of minor basilica.
7. Kazan Cathedral
Kazan Cathedral (Cathedral of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God) is one of the largest churches in St. Petersburg. It was built on Nevsky Prospekt in 1801-1811 by architect Andrey Voronikhin to store the venerated list of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God of Kazan. After the Patriotic War of 1812, it acquired the significance of a monument of Russian military glory. In 1813, the commander Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov was buried here and the keys to the captured cities and other military trophies were placed. Since 2000 — the cathedral of the St. Petersburg Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church.
8. Vladimir Cathedral
The Cathedral of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, or Vladimir Cathedral, is a diocesan church of the Central Deanery District of the St. Petersburg Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church. The main altar of the temple was consecrated in honor of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, one of the most revered icons in Russia.
9. Alexandrinsky Theater
The building of the Alexandrinsky Theater in St. Petersburg on Ostrovsky Square was built in 1832 according to the project of Karl Rossi.
10. Trinity Cathedral
Trinity-Izmailovsky Cathedral (Trinity Cathedral) is an Orthodox cathedral on Trinity Avenue in the Admiralteysky district of St. Petersburg. The full historical name is the Cathedral of the Holy Life—Giving Trinity of the Izmailovsky Regiment Life Guards.
11. The Church of Simeon and Anna
The Church of Simeon and Anna (the official name is the Church of Saints and Righteous Simeon the God—Giver and Anna the Prophetess) is an active Orthodox church in St. Petersburg, an architectural monument, one of the oldest churches in St. Petersburg.
12. The Great St. Petersburg State Circus
The Great St. Petersburg State Circus (also the historical name Cinizelli Circus is widely used) is the circus of the city of St. Petersburg, the first stone stationary circus in Russia, one of the oldest circuses in Russia.
The circus building is a unique technical structure, made on the basis of advanced engineering for that time. For the first time in the world, during the construction of the dome of the then record span (49.7 m), supporting internal columns were not used, which created an unusual spatial effect. A fundamentally new mesh-ribbed dome design covers the hall like a giant overturned bowl. This new technical solution was subsequently widely used in the construction of such structures.
13. The house of the company “Singer”
The house of the Singer company (also known as the “House of the Book”) is located at Nevsky Prospekt, 28. It is an architectural monument of federal significance.
The six-storey building with an Art Nouveau attic, with an area of about 7000 m2, was built in 1902-1904 by architect Pavel Suzor for the Singer Joint Stock Company in Russia. A place with the maximum trade and business activity was chosen for construction